Who Do You Say I Am?

Who Do You Say I Am?

Jesus asks His disciples who they believe He is, and Simon Peter’s bold declaration that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, becomes a turning point in their journey and mission.

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Matthew 16:16
Who do you say Jesus is? This question that Jesus asked His disciples cuts to the heart of our faith. The world offers many opinions about Jesus—some see Him as a wise teacher, others as a prophet, but Simon Peter’s response goes deeper. He declares Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God. What about you? How do you answer this question in your daily life? Recognizing Jesus as the Messiah isn’t just a one-time confession; it’s a daily commitment to follow Him and live out His teachings. Reflect on your personal journey with Christ. How does your understanding of who Jesus is shape your life and decisions? Remember, this declaration is the foundation of our faith and the starting point of our mission as His followers.
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