Washing The Disciple’s Feet

Washing The Disciple’s Feet

Jesus washes His disciples’ feet, demonstrating true greatness through humble service, and teaches them—and us—about the power of love and selfless leadership.

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John 13:15
What does it mean to lead by example? In today’s story, Jesus shows us the true meaning of leadership and greatness through an unexpected act—He washes the feet of His disciples. This task was typically done by the lowest servant in the household, yet Jesus, the Messiah, humbles Himself to serve His followers in this way. Why would He do this? Jesus wanted to teach His disciples—and us—a powerful lesson: true greatness is not about power or position, but about humility and love. How do you approach serving others? Are you willing to humble yourself as Jesus did? Reflect on how you can follow Jesus’ example in your own life, serving others selflessly and with a heart full of love. Remember, when we serve others, we are living out the love of Christ.
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