Tongues of Fire

Tongues of Fire

The Holy Spirit descends on the apostles at Pentecost, empowering them to boldly share the gospel in multiple languages, marking the start of their global mission.

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Acts 1:8
Have you ever felt uncertain or fearful about sharing your faith? The story of Pentecost reminds us that we are not alone in this mission. The apostles, who once struggled with doubt and fear, were completely transformed when the Holy Spirit descended upon them. Tongues of fire rested on each of them, empowering them to speak in various languages and boldly proclaim the message of Jesus Christ to a diverse crowd. What was once impossible for them became possible through the power of the Holy Spirit. Are you relying on the Holy Spirit in your life? How might He be calling you to step out in faith and share the gospel? Remember, the same Spirit that empowered the apostles is available to us today, equipping us to be bold witnesses for Christ. Trust in His power and let Him guide you as you share the love and truth of Jesus with others.
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