The Transfiguration

The Transfiguration

Jesus reveals His divine glory in the Transfiguration, affirming His identity as the Son of God and leaving the disciples in awe. This event challenges us to listen to Jesus and recognize His divine authority.

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Luke 9:35
Have you ever experienced a moment where you glimpsed the glory of God? In today’s story, three of Jesus' disciples are given such a moment when they witness the Transfiguration. As Jesus is transfigured before them, His divine nature shines through, and they see Him talking with Moses and Elijah, representing the Law and the Prophets. What would it be like to witness such a sight? The disciples are not only amazed but also terrified as they hear God’s voice from a cloud declaring, “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him!” How often do we forget to truly listen to Jesus in our own lives? This powerful event is a reminder of who Jesus is—the beloved Son of God, the fulfillment of God’s promises. Are you making time to listen to Him? Let this story inspire you to seek His presence and to be attentive to His voice in your daily life.
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