The Divided House

The Divided House

Peter and John face persecution with unwavering faith as they proclaim Jesus’ resurrection in a city divided by His radical message, leaving Saul and the religious leaders astonished.

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Acts 5:31
What would you do when faced with persecution for your faith? In today’s episode, Peter and John show us what it means to stand firm in the face of threats and suffering. As the message of Jesus spreads throughout Jerusalem, the religious authorities feel their power slipping. Peter and John, beaten and threatened, remain defiant, proclaiming the truth of Jesus’ resurrection. Their joy and boldness are unshaken, even as Saul looks on, puzzled by their resilience. Are you living with this kind of unshakable faith? How can you find joy even in the face of trials, knowing that Jesus is both your Leader and Savior? This story reminds us that even when we face opposition, we can find strength in the risen Christ, who brings repentance, forgiveness, and eternal hope.
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