The Beggar & The Bold - Part 1

The Beggar & The Bold - Part 1

Peter and John encounter a lame beggar at the temple gate, where Peter boldly offers him healing in the name of Jesus Christ, showing the life-changing power of faith.

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Acts 3:6
How often do we expect too little from God? In today’s story, a lame beggar sits at the temple gate, hoping for a few coins to get him through the day. But God had so much more in store for him. When Peter and John encounter the beggar, they don’t give him silver or gold—they give him something far more valuable: healing through the name of Jesus Christ. Peter’s bold faith leads to a miraculous transformation, as the man is immediately healed and begins walking, leaping, and praising God. Are you willing to trust God for more than just the basics? How can you step out in bold faith today, offering others the life-changing hope found in Jesus? Remember, when we walk in the Spirit’s power, we offer the world far more than material wealth—we offer the priceless gift of Jesus’ love and healing.
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