Saul is Chosen

Saul is Chosen

Saul, a passionate defender of Jewish law, is tasked with suppressing the growing Christian movement. But his encounter with Stephen, a follower of Christ, challenges his beliefs and reveals that true greatness comes through humble service.

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Matthew 20:26
What does greatness look like to you? Saul, before he became Paul, thought greatness meant zealously defending the law of Moses. He was sure that stamping out the followers of Jesus was God’s will. But then he met Stephen. Stephen, full of grace and power, didn’t defend himself with anger or fear. Instead, he served others even in the face of death, embodying the message of Jesus. Saul, driven by anger, couldn’t ignore Stephen’s humble service. Do we sometimes confuse strength with control or influence? In God’s kingdom, the greatest are the ones who serve. How can we reflect the same grace and humility in our own lives, even toward those who oppose us? Perhaps like Saul, we need to let go of our pride and let God lead us into true greatness through service.
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