

Peter and the apostles experience the supernatural unity of Koinonia in the early church, as believers share their resources and hearts, creating a powerful community of love and generosity.

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Acts 2:44
What does it look like to live in true community? In Acts 2:44, we see a beautiful picture of Koinonia, a supernatural unity that filled the early church. Believers shared everything they had, not out of obligation, but out of love. This unity was not just about pooling resources—it was about creating a spiritual family where everyone was cared for and no one was left behind. The Holy Spirit was the source of this profound bond, knitting the hearts of believers together in love and compassion. Do you experience this kind of fellowship in your life? How can you contribute to building a community where generosity, love, and care thrive? Let the early church’s example of Koinonia inspire you to open your heart to others, creating a space where God’s love can flow freely.
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