Jesus & The Whip

Jesus & The Whip

Today's story is about Jesus cleansing the temple, where He drives out merchants and money changers to restore the holiness of God’s house.

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Psalm 69:9
What stirs your heart with righteous passion? In the story of Jesus cleansing the temple, we see a powerful example of zeal for God’s holiness. As Jesus enters the temple in Jerusalem, He is confronted with a scene of chaos—merchants and money changers have turned this sacred space into a marketplace. Outraged by the disrespect shown to His Father’s house, Jesus makes a whip and drives them out, declaring that the temple is meant to be a house of prayer, not a den of thieves. This intense moment in Jesus’ ministry reminds us that true worship requires purity and reverence. It challenges us to reflect on how we approach our own places of worship. Are we more focused on tradition and appearance, or do we come with hearts truly devoted to God? Jesus’ actions call us to cleanse our own lives of anything that distracts from genuine worship and to protect the sacredness of our relationship with God. What might you need to drive out of your life to keep your worship pure?
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